I’m currently the COO at Block Harbor Cybersecurity. Before that, I was the Vice President for Product Integrity and Platform responsible for the global electronics product security, functional safety, platform software, and validation labs at Lear Corporation, America’s largest automotive supplier. I co-founded ESCRYPT which was acquired by Bosch in 2012.
I’m adjunct faculty at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) and co-chair the CCAT cybersecurity working group. I co-founded escar USA, and I’m a member of the University of Michigan Dearborn’s Computer and Information Science (CIS) Professional Advisory Board and a member of the University of Michigan Dearborn’s Industry Advisory Board (IAB) for the Cybersecurity Center, I also support the Uptane initiative and serve on Uptane’s Board of Directors, and vice-chair SAE’s Vehicle Electrical System Security committee and vice-chair SAE’s Vehicle Cybersecurity Systems Engineering committee.
I’m interested in challenges around building things (companies, teams, products) and solving problems. I live with Anna and Henry, and spend vacation time on bike explorations.