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Please find below a list of my publications. If there is a publication without a link that you would like to obtain, or corresponding presentation slides, please contact me.

Journal Papers

Book Chapters

Conference Papers

Magazine Articles

  • Andrey Bogdanov, Christof Paar, André Weimerskirch and Thomas Wollinger, “Embedded Security in Next-Generation Civilian and Government Systems”, Safety and Security International, 2008.
  • André Weimerskirch and Christof Paar, „Was der ISM über Embedded Security wissen sollte“, Information Security Management – Das Praxishandbuch, TÜV Media, 2007.
  • Marko Wolf, André Weimerskirch, and Christoph Wegener, “Rechte für Kleine – Digital Rights Management in mobilen und eingebetteten Geräten”, iX, 1/2006.
  • Marko Wolf, André Weimerskirch, and Christof Paar, “Digitale Rechteverwaltung (Digital Rights Management)”, Elektronik Automotive, 2/2005.
  • André Weimerskirch and Christof Paar, “Sicherheit schlicht verpennt” (Security Simply Overslept), Automobil Elektronik, 02.2005.
  • André Weimerskirch and Prof. Paar, “Der digitale Goldesel – DRM im Automobil” (The Digital Cash Cow – DRM in the Automobile), Automobil Elektronik, December 2004.
  • André Weimerskirch and Christof Paar, “IT-Sicherheit in Geoinformationssystemen” (IT-Security in Geoinformations Systems), GeoBit, 2004.
  • André Weimerskirch und Christof Paar, “Embedded Security in Geoinformation Systems”, GeoInformatics Magazine, 2004.

Technical Reports


Other Publications (not related to data security)
